The Throne Of Creation Clearing Testimonials

Hi Nini, here is my testimonial
   After enduring a tumultuous relationship with a narcissist, I found myself drowning in a sea of emotional turmoil and confusion. The toxicity of the relationship had left me feeling depleted and lost, unsure of who I was anymore. Desperate for healing and clarity, I turned to spiritual clearing as a means of reclaiming my sense of self and finding inner peace.

Through various spiritual practices such as meditation, energy healing, and connecting with my higher self, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. With each session of spiritual clearing, I felt layers of negativity and pain being peeled away, allowing me to release the emotional baggage that had weighed me down for so long.

As I delved deeper into my spiritual journey, I began to understand the patterns and dynamics of the relationship with greater clarity. I realized that the narcissist’s behavior was not a reflection of my worth, but rather a projection of their own insecurities and inner turmoil.

Through forgiveness and compassion, I was able to release the grip of resentment and anger that had held me captive for so long. In its place, I found a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment. I no longer defined myself by the pain of the past, but rather by the strength and resilience that had emerged from it.

Spiritual clearing became my guiding light in navigating the aftermath of the breakup. It provided me with the tools and support I needed to cleanse my mind, body, and spirit of the toxic residue left behind by the narcissistic relationship. With each step forward on my spiritual journey, I reclaimed my power and embraced the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

Today, I stand tall and unshakable, a testament to the transformative power of spiritual clearing in overcoming the darkest of times. Through healing and self-love, I have emerged from the shadows of the past, ready to embrace a future filled with joy, abundance, and limitless potential.


Hi Nini Sorry I missed your text Yesterday. I’m doing ok I was at my great granddaughter’s 1st birthday party yesterday And being Thankful To You And Boss Psychic that I have my eye sight. Thank You Louise

If you’re thinking about getting a Clearing or it has been offered to you…get it! My Clearing experience has been nothing short of miraculous, things I didn’t know I could feel, changes I didn’t know I could make, experiences I wasn’t sure I would have, all came to fruition through my Clearing process and the exciting part is that my Clearing isn’t even finished yet! As powerful as Nini explains Clearings to be, it can be hard to fathom in the beginning just what she means, but once they are underway you realize how deeply true this is. To be given the opportunity to have a Clearing in this life is a bestowal of grace that feels truly God sent. Once you decide to go ahead with a Clearing, then all I have to say is “Welcome to your new life!” -James J

I don’t even know where to begin with regards to giving a testimonial for both Boss Psychic and NiNi. I owe them EVERYTHING!!!! My LIFE!!! And let me explain why…

When I first found these earth angels… I was at an all-time low. My soul was lost, to say the least. In fact… my life was threatened in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I was near death in so many different ways and these two literally saved me over and over and over again (and continues to…) 

It all started about 6 months ago with a much-needed clearing, which immediately saved me from the violence, rage, chaos and toxicity my karma was headed towards. I didn’t know what to expect, but the outcome of it was absolutely beyond me… I could NOT believe how Boss Psychic and NiNi were able to scoop me up and save me from the most dire situation of all time. It was surreal and left me wanting more…

Then I got protection on top of that and all of a sudden… my chaotic life (and when I say chaotic life, I mean… living in absolute survival mode… never knowing when the next attack was coming… literally shaking all day fearful for my life) calmed down to zero chaos literally overnight. So then I was even more intrigued…

Very soon, I started getting clearings for various people, places and things and I can now say that my life has COMPLETELY, 180, changed in ways absolutely impossible (and I truly feel this way…) without the help of Boss Psychic and NiNi. Just to give a few examples… my autoimmune/medical issues I got a clearing for has diminished now by ~80% and it’s ONLY been a couple of months… my relationship with some family members that I struggled very, very hard with all my life I don’t even give a second thought to anymore… the people in my life whom I had repeated karmic crap cycle loops with for centuries on end easily and effortlessly fell away overnight… I no longer live in fight or flight mode, which is allowing me to heal on a very deep level; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Not only did Boss Psychic and NiNi save my life in so many different ways… they help with everything you can possibly think of… intuition, motivation, joy, happiness, abundance, clarity, comfort, ease, security, safety, and awakening your soul gifts. All of these things are improved and worked on while receiving their services… it’s incredible. 

When I think about me and my life 6 months ago… I begin to get emotional with how much my life has changed ALL because of my earth Angel/spiritual team. These two turned my entire life upside down in the best way possible. I wake up excited to live life for the very first time in my entire life. 

The absolute best part about Boss Psychic and NiNi is knowing with absolute certainty that the ONLY way they operate is through light and love. There are a lot of phonies out there… especially in todays day and age and you can rest assured that they are angels working in both the physical plane and spirit world being divinely guided. 

My gratitude for Boss Psychic and NiNi goes beyond anyone in this world. They are clearly working solely off the love frequency… constantly protecting me, consistently praying for me, and ALWAYS wanting everything that’s for my highest good while at the same time, 1000% respecting and honoring my free will. I can’t think of a better team to have than them. I owe them my life and words can’t express how much gratitude and pure love I have for them. So if you are in need of healing in any capacity… these angels are here to help… and in a big, big way. 


Julia Cho

When you have the power of Nini and the Boss Behind you Clearing the Way you truly could be in no better hands, I’m sure they have a direct link to the Universe God Bless Them Both for taking me on as a Clearing client.


Hi Nini, good morning and happy Tuesday! I am waiting for my check to start the health Clearing. I am super excited for this Clearing; I am very hopeful as I’ve seen your and Boss Psychic’s Healing Powers from my two other Clearings! Thank you for your help Nini!


I’m so grateful for having had the Clearing done by Nini and Boss Psychic.

For many years I had been having trouble with a neighbor and ex employee of my mother. This person felt he had the right to break into my house whenever he pleased. It was pretty creepy. This continued off and on for years, and finally came to a head this last year when he was not only breaking into my house, but also got into my bank account, my computer, and other devices. I was at my witt’s end and asked Nini for help. She suggested I have a Clearing, so that the problem would be resolved permanently, once and for all. 

The Clearing wasn’t always easy. I needed to own my responsibility for this karma. And this person’s behavior continued to be really nerve racking at times, but knowing I always had the protection of Boss Psychic was very reassuring. Boss is amazing in her ability to remove past life issues from one’s karmic record and to energetically protect a person. She has divine guidance, and only works as she is instructed to. Nini, who is an incredible Psychic in her own right, works with Boss as her assistant. She’s always available to support you, day or night. She keeps you informed about what is happening behind the scenes and in her very sweet way, continually let’s you know that you’ve got the best protection possible.

It took a few months for the clearing to be complete, but it was well worth the time and money. I am now feeling safe, secure and free. I also have a much deeper understanding about karma!

 I highly recommend the work that these two incredible psychics do.
Nini and Boss Psycic Cleared the negativity and karma out of my work situation. I got an amazing job with great pay during the Covid pandemic which is pretty amazing. I highly recommend them for both clearing and psychic guidance.

Thanks for this! I made major life decisions based on getting away from her as fast as possible. And without the clearing, I know for certain that she would have caused a whole lot of drama about my daughter’s birthday. It’s amazing how much peace the Clearing has brought me. Unbelievable really!


I would like to thank Nini for her amazing ability to provide clear guidance in my life with her superior skills and her deep compassion.  I began seeing her with a slight bit of skepticism, I must admit.  However, any skepticism I had was very quickly absolved the very first time I met her.  I have known Nini for many years now and I refer my friends and family, alike, to her, all of whom rave about her as much as I do. Nini has the ability to provide insight with fascinating and stunning clarity.  She has astonishing accuracy.  I am consistently amazed with how accurate and helpful her Clearing is.  I can’t imagine my life without Nini!


I had my Clearing at a time where there were a lot of moving parts in my professional life. Particularly, that my next placement in my training was crucial in the trajectory of my career. I initially was applying to locations that were not as competitive, for fear that I would not get anything. Not only did the Clearing ensure I landed a position, I landed a competitive location with a very strong reputation nationwide. I am very hopeful in my employment prospects once my training is complete. Thanks, Nini.
